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Life of a Roguess
Monday, 27 July 2009
Emmy @ 23:13 - Link - comments (6)
[SIZE=8]I feel I have let so many down, the guild, Alloran, my trainees, my sponsor, my friends. I can no longer wake as often as I once did. The darkness pulls at me until I collapse where ever I may be at that moment. I try to fight it as much as possible, but it comes over me like a dark cloud until I fall asleep. I do hope I will be able to over come all of this soon. The guild needs some attention, Alloran needs it just as much. I have been lucky to have found someone such as him. He understands, at least that's what he tells me. All I can do is hope that is true. And now with this vision from the High Cleric, it really terrifies me. I must find a way to fight this ... sleeping? (for the lack of a better word) ... all the time. I must think positive here and hold my head up high and do all I am able to for those that I love, especially the ones that mean the most to me .........[/SIZE]